Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “C Sharp”
Creating a Clean Task for .Net Core Projects in VS Code
Here we learn how to add a clean project task in VS Code for a .Net Core project.
Creating .Net Core Projects with the CLI
Easy bootstrapping of projects using the .Net Core CLI.
Adding Test Categories with xUnit
Let’s group our xUnit tests into categories. Honestly, it’ll be easier to find them this way.
Application Insights Logging in Azure Functions
How to setup Application Insights logging in any and all classes of an Azure Function.
Getting MIME Types from File Extensions in .Net Core
How do we retrieve a MIME type from a file extension in .Net Core? Let’s find out!
Tips for Working with the dynamic Type in C#
Here we looking at solving a few gotchas when working with enumerables of C# ’s dynamic type.
Debugging Azure Function Event Grid Triggers Locally
Here we learn how to debug Azure Functions Event Grid triggers locally using Visual Studio and Postman.
Refactoring Commonality using the IWith Pattern
We’ve all been there. We’ve got two (or more) classes with that have a need for the same functionality that share no base class. The project manager is asking when this will all be done, so we just create a method in one class and copy it over to the other.
Then we find that another class has a need for the same functionality. So we copy it over to there as well…
Asserting Async Methods Throw Exceptions with FluentAssertions
I always forget the syntax when verifying that async methods throw a particular exception with FluentAssertions. This post is to help me (and hopefully others) quickly find the solution to this slightly un-intuitive syntax.
Is AutoMapper a Code Smell?
I’d like to get this out of the way before I get into my thoughts on this - this is in no way a dig a Jimmy Bogard. He has provided a clear set of guidelines for the usage here. Unfortunately in my experience, many projects don’t follow these guidelines (and don’t get me wrong I’m guilty of violating some in the past myself).